The More Radio Child of Sussex Awards 2022!

Last Friday night saw the team at The Jonathan Lea Network head to the Grand Hotel in Brighton for More Radio’s Child of Sussex Awards!
It was a fantastic evening full of incredible stories of bravery, courage, inspiring sporting achievements and more. We were also lucky enough to be regaled with magic from a local table magician which left us all baffled and in awe.
Jonathan was delighted to sponsor and hand out the Achiever Award to worthy winner Evie Collingbourne and you can see her accepting her award in the video below.
The Dame Vera Lynn Children’s Charity were thrilled to raise £2,205 from donations on the evening, which is testament to how special these individual heroes were.
Jonathan added “It was wonderful to be part of such an important evening and we were thrilled to sponsor an award this year. Our congratulations go out to every single winner on the night, there were so many heartwarming stories of children achieving amazing feats in the face of adversity and I know a lot of us at The Jonathan Lea Network were moved by their personal stories and situations. We look forward to returning next year to once again support the awards and help raise funds for the Dame Vera Lynn Children’s Charity. Now we have the exciting task of deciding which team member will be experiencing the Tigermoth flight we won in the silent auction!“